UPDATE November 4, 2019: Thanks to our wonderful customers, suppliers, team members, and friends who participated in #MIwindowsGoesPink, the MI Foundation will be donating an additional $3,600 to Breast Cancer Research, on top of its $50,000 donation. The donation will be split between the National Breast Cancer Foundation and The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Thank you all for your support throughout #breastcancerawarenessmonth. A huge shoutout goes to Scranton Label who donated our pink NFRC labels throughout the month of October!
The MI Charitable Foundation has decided to increase it's donation to Breast Cancer Research. For the last week of October, the MI Foundation will donate an additional $100 for every photo uploaded to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag, #MIwindowsGoesPink.
If you missed our original message regarding the campaign, we invite you to check it out on our previous news post on our website.
Thank you for your continued generous support of the MI Foundation’s work and for being a valued MI Windows partner. We couldn’t do this without all of you. We appreciate all of the support we've received throughout this campaign so far this month and hope we'll receive even more photos during this last week of the campaign!